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FWC orders end to strikes at Lend Lease sites

The FWC has banned hundreds of subcontractor workers at six Lend Lease projects in Queensland from taking unlawful industrial action in support of protected strikes by two dozen of the construction giant's direct employees.

"Illogical" to consider individual rosters as part of BOOT: FWC

An FWC presidential member has found that despite some "prevailing contemporary opinion to the contrary" it is "illogical" to review employees' rosters or individual circumstances when assessing whether an agreement passes the BOOT.

FWC upholds sacking of s-x abuser

The employer of a manager jailed for child s-x abuse denied him procedural fairness and should have obtained external advice before sacking him, but the FWC has found the dismissal a proportionate response.

FWC explains decision to terminate industrial action at airports

The FWC terminated protected action at airports because suspension would have provided a "non-permanent conclusion" to the long-running bargaining dispute between the CPSU and the Department of Immigration and Border Protection.

High Court provides new guidance on vicarious liability

The High Court has outlined principles to apply when assessing employers' vicarious liability in its ruling that a former boarder should not have been granted an extension of time to pursue a college over his sexual abuse by a housemaster half a century ago.

FWC backs deal that bars over-agreement pay disclosure

Employees on above-agreement wages can be disciplined for discussing pay or asking colleagues if they have received an increase, under a new deal for oil and gas industry transport workers approved by the FWC yesterday.

Full court reserves on bargaining notice case

A full Federal Court has reserved its decision on the SDA's attempt to overturn an Aldi enterprise deal, in a case likely to have ramifications for hundreds of existing agreements.

Court orders CFA to release communications with minister

The Victorian Supreme Court has ordered the Country Fire Authority to produce communications with its minister and advice it received from the Andrews Government about its proposed new enterprise agreement.