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AWU fails in bid to dismiss coercion case

The AWU has failed in a bid to have the Federal Court summarily dismiss an FWO action claiming it took adverse action against two of its members who refused to take industrial action during bargaining with Orica.

Harden up: Bench splits over phased return to work

An FWC full bench majority has thrown out a a company's challenge to a decision requiring it to reinstate an injured worker to his previous role and ensure he receives "work hardening".

CFMEU's "power" play fails to impress court as $540,000 in fines stand

A full Federal Court has described as "astounding" a CFMEU argument that it should not be held liable for organisers' unauthorised entries to building sites because the alleged contraventions should be viewed as an exercise of "power", rather than of a "right" defined by the Fair Work Act.

High earning "director" can pursue unfair dismissal claim

The FWC has given the go-ahead for the regional director of a multibillion dollar real estate business to pursue his unfair dismissal claim despite earning well above the income cap, because his duties established he was in fact an award-covered sales representative.

Tribunal orders end to anti-privatisation bus strike

Striking Sydney public bus drivers are rallying at NSW Parliament this morning despite the State's IRC demanding that the RTBU call off the industrial action until at least August and immediately notify members of the consequences of staying out.

Coalition abandons legislation to outlaw "double dipping"

The Turnbull Government has quietly withdrawn parental leave legislation that sought remove employers from a mandatory role as "paymasters", prohibit "double dipping" and increase the maximum Government payment to 20 weeks.