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Pregnant pause could have avoided adverse action: Court

A general manager might have avoided taking unlawful adverse action against a pregnant employee if he consulted the company's HR department before bringing forward her redundancy by eight days, a court has found.

FWC extends time for worker hit twice by representative error

A Tiger Airways employee who claims he was sacked partly because of his age and his response to threats from the airline's chief pilot has won an extension of time to lodge a general protections claim because his legal representative wrongly made an unfair dismissal application.

Dentist's adverse action claim a bridge too far: Court

The Federal Court has rejected claims an employer took adverse action against a dentist it threatened to sack for writing "pugnacious" emails, redirecting mail and refusing to attend disciplinary meetings, ruling that the last two actions amounted to him repudiating his employment contract.

Prison officer wins job back despite letting one slip

The NSWIRC has reinstated a corrections officer whose "complacency" led to a high-risk prisoner escaping out a bathroom window, rejecting the employer's contention it no longer felt confident the experienced officer could do his job.

High Court reserves decision in Aldi 'coverage' case

In a case likely to have ramifications for hundreds of existing enterprise deals, the High Court has reserved its decision in Aldi's appeal against a decision knocking out a controversial agreement on the basis it was agreed by prospective employees not yet covered by it.

Religious law has ultimate power in employment contract: Court

A Supreme Court has reaffirmed the force of religious laws within employment contracts, restraining administrators at a cash-strapped Sydney synagogue from dismissing a rabbi after finding that his engagement conferred lifetime tenure under Orthodox Jewish law.

Threshold issue holding up DIBP workplace determination

An FWC full bench has vacated hearings for a workplace determination covering Department of Immigration and Border Protection workers as it tackles thorny threshold questions around whether evidence such as budget papers and annual reports is protected by parliamentary privilege.

Conditional permit for organiser involved in safety strike

An AMWU organiser penalised this year for his role in a strike over alleged safety issues looks set to win a new entry permit, on the condition that he undergo training on the interaction of IR and OHS statutes and when it is lawful to stop work.

Employer seeks $450,000 payout for pre-engagement "misrepresentations"

An employer has responded to a salesperson's general protections case with a counterclaim seeking $450,000 in damages for lost sales and the cost of recruiting him because of his alleged misleading and deceptive conduct in making false pre-employment representations about his experience and seniority.