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Sub builder to try again, after FWC torpedoes cooling-off bid

The FWC has found it has no basis to suspend industrial action by CEPU members at the Australian Submarine Corporation, because a campaign of 162 half-hour stopworks is yet to begin, but has warned it would be likely to issue orders to provide for an agreement ballot in a strike-free environment if circumstances change.

Reprieve for Twiggy employee sacked during PIP

An FWC full bench has granted permission to appeal the sacking by resources giant FMG of an employee just one week into a six-week performance improvement plan (PIP), but has cautioned against interpreting its ruling as suggesting that employers must always see such processes through to the end.

Dissenters decry "political motivation" for merger public interest test Bill

Coalition senators, in a new Senate inquiry report, have rejected concerns about the "ensuring integrity" bill that introduces a public interest test for union mergers, while minority Labor and Greens senators have dismissed the legislation as "politically-driven" and "politically-motivated".

Heavy weather for major project after FWC ruling

An FWC full bench has upheld a decision that found workers should be paid for unworked overtime hours under an inclement weather provision that applies to enterprise agreements across the Icthys LNG project near Darwin.

Largest union's leader moving on after eight years

The ANMF has cemented its spot as Australia's biggest union – with a record 270,000 members - as federal secretary Lee Thomas announces that she will depart next month.

FWC could have bigger role in general protections matters

A senior FWC member has floated the idea of the Commission playing a greater role in adverse action cases so they can be finalised faster than under the current regime, which he says can take four years.

Woolies commits to rectifying trolley collectors' underpayments

After entering into an FWO compliance partnership that commits it to taking responsibility for underpayments across its trolley collection network for the past three years, Woolworths says it would welcome working with any regulatory body to ensure workers in all supply chains are paid correctly.

Glencore extends lockout beyond 100 days

Mining giant Glencore has extended a 100-day lockout at the Oaky North coal mine amid complaints over abusive behaviour on the picket line.

Reformulated evidence gets bench's nod

An FWC full bench has dismissed CPSU objections to accepting evidence "identical" to that previously ruled inadmissible in the Department of Immigration and Border Protection workplace determination case.