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Cash to be grilled again over AWU raids next month

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash faces another grilling in Senate Estimates hearings over the AFP's raids on the AWU at the behest of the Registered Organisations Commission.

High Court refuses special leave to challenge entry ruling

The High Court has refused to grant special leave to appeal a full Federal Court finding that a CFMEU official needed a federal entry permit to assist a health and safety representative when he was invited onto a construction site under Victorian OHS laws.

Slow progress on gender pay gap, but more employers taking action: WGEA

The Workplace Gender Equality Agency says "remarkable" growth in employers analysing their data for gender pay gaps means more than half now have formal strategies to address imbalances, but its annual scorecard reveals the overall $26,527 gender pay gap has decreased only marginally.

FWC lacks power to consider council's cross-bullying claims

The FWC has found that because an Adelaide council is not a constitutional corporation the tribunal cannot deal with cross anti-bullying orders sought by its acting chief executive and one of its elected councillors, but it says other councils might be trading corporations covered by its jurisdiction.

FWO seeks first contempt of court ruling after freezing order breached

The FWO has initiated its first contempt of court application against a Cairns businessman for allegedly breaching a freezing order by transferring $41,035 out of two company accounts to a family trust when still owing $85,000 to the Commonwealth and former employees.

Ruling a warning that employers should check pre-start disclosures

A tribunal has found Victoria's justice department indirectly discriminated against a prison worker who failed to declare his diabetes on engagement when its requirement to work unreasonable hours to meet a greater workload made his condition unstable.

Full court overrules full bench on three-worker deal

The CFMEU says it is confident in its challenge to an agreement Thiess struck with three maintenance workers prior to securing a major mining contract, after a full Federal Court remitted the employer's appeal on the basis that an FWC full bench wrongly denied the union "the fruits of its victory".