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Embassy unfairly sacked driver with bad back: FWC

A contested payslip and an unsigned employment contract obtained in "unusual" circumstances have persuaded the FWC that an ambassador's driver was unfairly dismissed after he informed the embassy he couldn't work for more than two hours at a time because of a sore back.

FWC rejects bid for documents as train strife looms

As thousands of NSW rail workers prepare to ban overtime from next Thursday amid an extended bargaining dispute, the FWC has thrown out an interlocutory bid to force employers and Treasury to reveal plans for future restructures or staff reductions plus any gains from productivity measures.

Tribunal refuses to extend time despite representative error

The FWC has refused to extend time for an unfair dismissal claim lodged five days late by a pro bono solicitor found to be "primarily responsible" for the delay, ruling that the worker knew the 21-day limit applied and should have followed it up with his representative.

Union only challenged ROC decision to dodge penalties: Bench

An FWC full bench has refused the CEPU leave to appeal a ROC decision on financial reporting deadlines, holding that the "real purpose" of the union's case was to avoid potential penalties for failing to meet its statutory obligations.

Meatworker's safety shortcut warranted the chop, says FWC

An experienced meatworker's impulse to help out a stressed colleague without taking safety precautions prescribed by his employer's "cardinal rules" justified severing his employment, the FWC has found.

Court questions FWO's zeal in pursuing cooperative employer

The FWO's costly pursuit of a cleaning company over inadvertent underpayments of $5200 over a nine-month period has drawn fire from a judge who questioned the "limited need for deterrence" in a case where Fair Work Act objectives could have been met through enforceable undertakings.

Aerocare's "misconceived" offer sinks agreement appeal

Aerocare's attempt to revive its appeal against the rejection of a new agreement has fallen short, after an FWC full bench rejected the aviation services company's "misconceived" offer to improve conditions for casuals.

FWO could win higher penalties after court ruling

An employer could face a ninefold increase in fines ordered by the Federal Circuit Court after the FWO successfully appealed the judgment on the basis that it wrongly grouped contraventions as a single course of action.