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Sacked manager seeks $15 million for mental injury, lost pay

As a former state manager's $15 million adverse action claim heads to the Federal Court in April, his employer has denied sacking him for taking sick leave, making bullying complaints or to avoid honouring contractually agreed incentives and bonuses.

Bench refuses to disturb finding that Hadgkiss questioning "inexcusable"

A full Federal Court has found that a CFMEU official breached the Fair Work Act's "hinder or obstruct" prohibition for permit-holders when he "liberally" swore at a safety inspector, but rejected the ABCC's argument that it was denied procedural fairness when the trial judge described former Commissioner Nigel Hadgkiss's questioning of a witness as "inexcusable".

Ross rejects Aldi bid to send NERR questions to court

FWC President Iain Ross has rebuffed an application by retailer Aldi to have a full Federal Court review the rejection of its agreement because of a deficient bargaining notice.

"Casual" employee entitled to annual leave: Court

In a decision sure to be closely analysed by employers, a court has ruled that a worker is entitled to accrued annual leave despite being paid a casual loading for 15 years.

Career down the toilet after unauthorised absences

The FWC has upheld Bluescope Steel's sacking of a long-serving employee for his "appalling" timekeeping, but has found the company didn't have enough evidence to establish that he defecated in the workplace shower.

IEU's equal pay case could bump teachers' pay by up to 59%

On the heels of this week's rejection of a United Voice and AEU equal pay bid for childcare workers, the IEU on Monday heads to the FWC to press its separate claim on behalf of 12,000 university-qualified teachers employed in long day care centres and preschools.

Uber employee question not settled: Expert

The Fair Work Commission's recent ruling that Uber drivers are not employees is sure to be challenged, according to workplace legal expert Andrew Stewart.

Streets workers secure redundancies after FWC ruling

In a surprising postscript to last year's boycott of Streets ice creams over job losses and roster changes at the company's western Sydney factory, the AMWU this week found itself back before the FWC supporting 15 workers wanting out after an oversubscribed redundancy round.

Lloyd claims "no real change" in revised APS policy

APS Commissioner John Lloyd denies that a new public sector bargaining policy contains an added push towards individual flexibility arrangements, but the CPSU says its "explicit encouragement" along with the extension of a 2% pay rise cap undermines bargaining, wages and conditions.