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Merger to proceed after stay fails

Employer groups have failed in their bid to delay the March 27 CFMEU-MUA-TCFU amalgamation, but have taken solace from a senior FWC member's observation that their April 9 appeal to an FWC full bench "surmounts the fairly low bar of being arguable".

AWU seeks to put Cash in the witness box

The AWU will seek to call Jobs Minister Michaelia Cash as a witness in their Federal Court proceedings over the AFP raids on union offices last year.

"Industrially unsound" result in case scuttled by friendly fire

In a decision where the employer's case was embarrassingly "scuttled" by its own witness, a senior FWC member has found that Ausgrid failed to inform four safety specialists during job interviews that they wouldn't be receiving an allowance due to them under the relevant agreement.

Super-union challenge likely to head to court if appeal denied

The Fair Work Commission has reserved its decision on whether to permit an appeal against the approval of the CFMEU's merger with the MUA and the TCFU, employer groups signalling their challenge wouldn't end there if refused.

Union takes state branch back to court over outstanding loan

CEPU communications division national secretary Greg Rayner has dragged a state branch before the Federal Court for the second time in two years in a bid to claw back cash provided to fund the redundancy of a long-serving administration employee.

Minimum wage lift poses threat to disadvantaged, argues government

The Turnbull Government has used its submission to the annual wage review to reinforce its argument that minimum wage increases threaten jobs, despite the Fair Work Commission finding in last year's review that "modest and regular increases" do not produce "disemployment" effects.

Two jobs don't add up to overtime: Court

In a significant decision on multi-hiring arrangements, a court has ruled that an Australia Post employee holding two "separate and distinct" part-time positions could not base overtime and other entitlements on combined hours.

Peak employer group calls for sub-2% rise

The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry has called for this year's minimum wage increase to be no higher than 1.9% or about $13.20 a week, after taking into account the impact on small and regional businesses.

FWC slams HR department's "entrapment"

The Fair Work Commission has sought to better delineate the law around so-called constructive dismissals, in a case in which it lambasted a multinational company's HR department for overseeing a process it likened to "entrapment".