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Union, employer combine to thwart MUA coverage pitch

The MUA has failed in an attempt to extend its coverage to certain truck drivers working at the Patrick Stevedores terminal at Port Botany, after opposition from both the TWU and the employer, the Qube logistics group.

Blackmail committal dates set for union leaders

The Melbourne Magistrates Court has today set down a 13-day committal hearing on blackmail charges against Victorian CFMEU leaders John Setka and Shaun Reardon to start on May 7.

Not quite Kumbaya, but ugly Oaky North dispute finally over

Glencore's Oaky North coal mine workers have voted to accept the same in-principle agreement that they rejected in January, with the CFMMEU crediting its successful FWC bid to pause a bitter seven-month lockout with creating the right environment to break the deadlock.

Government moves on domestic violence leave, after FWC ruling

The Turnbull Government says it will extend five days unpaid domestic violence leave to all federal system employees, following an FWC full bench decision providing the entitlement to award-dependent workers, but the ACTU says it leaves people with insufficient resources to leave dangerous situations.

Expert evidence undermined Rio's case: Bench

Confusing evidence from Rio Tinto experts might have contributed to a senior FWC member incorrectly assessing the number of safety breaches committed by a dismissed mechanic, a Commission full bench has found.

Better reasons needed for flexible work vetos, under FWC proposal

The FWC has rejected the ACTU's bid for a new entitlement for working parents and carers to work flexible hours, but has provisionally indicated it intends to publish a model award clause that will extend the right to request flexible work to casuals with six months service and require employers to provide more explanation for refusing requests.

GM on "variable" pay deal below high income limit, FWC rules

An employer that slashed its general manager's earnings from $180,000 to $120,000 in the five months leading up to his dismissal has argued that he was paid under a "variable wages agreement" that exceeded the high income threshold when averaged over the year.

Domino's abandons bargaining, plumps for award

In a move that underlines corporate Australia's flight from enterprise bargaining, Domino's Pizza Enterprises has withdrawn from its proposed workplace agreement and will now stick with the fast food award.

Union facing dismissal claim invokes small business code

A former Flight Attendants Association manager is testing the union's ability to claim a small business exemption for her unfair dismissal claim, with the FWC ordering its international and national divisions to provide pay records and meeting notes about the salaries of all elected officials.