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FWC bench installs signposts to speed deal approvals

An FWC full bench has issued guidance for the approval of enterprise agreements containing minor errors, finding that employers can give as little as four days' notice of voting and alter the text on template forms as long as workers are not disadvantaged.

Case to test employers' right to impose biometric bundy clocks

A full bench has allowed an employee to challenge his dismissal for refusing to use his employer's fingerprint scanning technology that monitored attendance and tracked shifts, finding the case raises "important, novel and emerging issues".

Court reconsiders "ordinary and customary turnover" escape clause

In a case clarifying when employers must make redundancy payments, the Federal Court has rejected claims by Spotless Services Australia Ltd that it was not obliged to pay severance to three Perth International Airport workers due to an exemption for ordinary and customary turnover of labour.

Undertakings needed to correct MFB deal's "abhorrent" term

The FWC has rejected a contentious MFB agreement because of terms that hinder workers shifting to part-time employment and permit the United Firefighters Union to block flexible working arrangements, but it has left the door open for the deal's approval with undertakings.

12% immediate rise for labour hire mineworkers under new deal

An ASX-listed company that this week lost its bid to terminate an agreement in order to reopen one of its mines using more flexible arrangements has today welcomed a deal converting about 100 casual labour hire workers to permanency, with a 12% pay rise, at another of its mines.

Mine fails to terminate agreement covering no workers

An ASX-listed mining company has failed to persuade the FWC to terminate a 2011 deal no longer covering workers or an operating mine in order to make reopening viable, the tribunal finding in the interests of enterprise bargaining the company should first try to negotiate with the CFMMEU.

Seven-month "leave blackout" breached deal: FWC

A council's imposition of a seven-month "leave blackout" period in a quest for greater efficiencies has run foul of the FWC, the tribunal finding its failure to consult workers over the policy breached best practice and notification provisions in its agreement.

DFAT spurns human rights watchdog's discrimination finding

The Department of Foreign Affairs has rejected a recommendation by Human Rights Commission President Rosalind Croucher that it pay more than $120,000 in compensation to a labour hire IT worker it discriminated against because of his criminal record.

"Deplorable" HR approach worst I've seen: FWC member

A senior FWC member has held that an abusive "alt-right" employer unfairly sacked an apprentice for refusing to assist his pursuit of revenge against a former employee, describing the company managing director as having the most deplorable attitude to HR management she had ever encountered.