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"Obvious financial detriment" sinks deal, says bench

An FWC full bench has quashed the approval of a Uniting Church agreement that the nurses' union said was "unworthy" of its secretary's signature after a claimed industrial gerrymander, finding an undertaking introduced "obvious financial detriment".

Wage theft Bill to "pierce the corporate veil"

The Victorian Government intends to "pierce the corporate veil" with its forthcoming legislation to introduce criminal penalties for the worst cases of underpayment and exploitation.

Bench quashes Gina's rail deal

An FWC full bench has quashed the approval of deal negotiated with two train drivers but set to cover an entire transferred workforce on the Roy Hill Pilbara mine network, finding a senior member failed to properly consider whether the employer took all reasonable steps to explain the effect of its terms.

Agreement's age-based medical exams discriminatory: FWC

A proposed agreement requiring employees aged 50 and over to submit to more frequent medical examinations will be considered for approval only if the term is removed, the FWC has found.

Jetstar workers spurn TWU "no" campaign

Jetstar in winning support for a four-year deal from its ground staff at six major airports has outplayed the TWU after it ran a strong campaign against the deal and subjected the airline to rolling stoppages.

McAleer loses appeal over withdrawn entry permit

An FWC full bench has rejected MUA Sydney branch secretary Paul McAleer's appeal against being denied an entry permit, finding a tribunal member held no obligation to signal that the official might have his rights withdrawn after 12 years due to a history of industrial law breaches.

Majority rejects restrictive take on general protections laws

A Federal Court full court majority has given a broad meaning to a section in the Fair Work Act's general protections that says employees must be "able to complain" to establish a breach of their workplace rights.

FWC endorses pre-vote emailing of agreement documents

In a case confirming that emailing agreement and award documents and links to workers before they vote for a deal can meet pre-approval requirements, a senior FWC member has also outlined why he prefers to deal with non-party concerns early in the process.

Divisional "poaching" within the rules, court hears

The CFMMEU's construction and general division Victorian branch was acting within the union rules when it recruited members from the union's manufacturing division, the Federal Court heard yesterday