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COVID-19 drives unfair dismissal "surge": FWC President

The FWC has asked the Federal Government for extra resources to deal with a coronavirus-driven "surge" in unfair dismissal claims, according to the tribunal's president, who also expects the pandemic will bring about a permanent change in the organisation's operations, with many members and staff to continue working from home.

HR manager's vote helps cruel deal's termination

The FWC has dismissed a company's application to terminate its nominally-expired agreement after discovering that its HR manager was among a group of ineligible employees who voted up the proposal.

FWC set to make urgent COVID-19 changes to vehicle award

The FWC will approve consent coronavirus-driven changes to the vehicle manufacturing, repair services and retail award if it doesn't receive any objections by late this afternoon, while it has endorsed a variation that delays half of a pay rise for six months at Ford Australia.

Quick hearing likely for challenge to regulation

A full Federal Court is likely before the end of the month to hear the CFMMEU's challenge to the Morrison Government's regulation that reduces from seven days to one day the required notice of changes to agreements during the coronavirus crisis.

FWC asks who'd foot the bill for pandemic allowance

An FWC full bench has asked the Morrison Government whether it will boost funding to compensate employers if it grants a contested $5-an-hour COVID-19 allowance claim for disability workers attending to self-isolated and quarantining clients.

SafeWork toolkit to help employers "reanimate": Porter

Employers will soon have access to a "complete toolkit" to achieve "COVIDsafe" workplaces when their businesses "reanimate" after the coronavirus hibernation, the Federal Government promised this afternoon, while the chief medical officer addressed the question of whether the coronavirus means the end of hotdesking.

FWC backs axing for storing drug-growing gear at work

A sales representative with permission to keep some possessions at work has failed to establish that his employer therefore had no grounds to dismiss him for storing hydroponic equipment used to grow marijuana.