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Sacked climate critic subject to conduct code: Full Court

An academic sacked after criticising climate research is considering a High Court challenge after a full Federal Court quashed a finding that James Cook University's code of conduct is "subordinate" to intellectual freedom protections.

Insecure work fanning Victorian virus outbreak: Andrews

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has today identified precarious work as a substantial driver of the State's escalating coronavirus second wave, while the Melbourne-based head of the ABCC is under fire for leaving the virus hotspot to conduct a compulsory examination in Brisbane.

New COVID-19 crisis might justify paid pandemic leave: Bench

Surging coronavirus cases in Victoria have today prompted an FWC full bench to seek urgent submissions on a provisional view that it should now vary the aged care award to provide paid pandemic leave for employees, including casuals, who must self-isolate.

"Manipulation" risk in reversing virus pay cut: FWC

An employer that cut a manager's wages by 15% due to COVID-19, but then restored her old rate when it made her redundant, has failed to establish that her pay exceeded the high-income threshold because to do otherwise would allow "manipulation" to deny her the chance to challenge her dismissal.

Unguarded moment costs worker his job

The FWC has upheld Serco's dismissal of an immigration detention centre security guard who almost let a detainee escape from hospital.

Qantas seeks court's guidance on JobKeeper obligations

Qantas has launched a Federal Court case against the FAAA to clarify whether it can keep paying fortnightly penalty rates in arrears while receiving JobKeeper, as the ASU accuses it of "stealing" by counting them against the wrong top-up period.

HR manager accused of "smirking" ordered to give evidence

An HR manager who resigned from her job has been ordered to give evidence in the case of an injured worker who claims she "smirked" when informing him at his dismissal meeting that he would not be getting any further support.