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Newsflash: High Court overturns Mondelez leave decision

A High Court majority has rejected union arguments that employees working longer than standard hours are entitled to use those hours as the basis for calculating their entitlement to 10 days paid personal/carer's leave for each year of service.

"Hero" nurses on track for 3% pay hikes

The Victorian government has pledged to honour promised pay rises totalling 9% over four years to nurses and midwives working in the State's public health system, along with a "one-stop shop" for long service leave.

COVID-19 slashes growth in hourly pay rates

The coronavirus pandemic has cut growth in the Wage Price Index in the private sector to the lowest level in its 23-year history, the ABS has confirmed today.

Senator's shift could stymie Coalition's IR changes

The newly-independent South Australian Senator Rex Patrick says he will now focus on job creation through industry policy and value-added manufacturing to help Australia recover from the coronavirus pandemic rather than "tweaking the IR rules" as sought by the Morrison Government.

FWC issues warning to performance-managed workers

In rejecting the unfair dismissal claim of a childcare worker who said she resigned because of bullying, a senior FWC member has observed it is "unfortunately easy" to respond to performance management with counter-allegations.

Case proceeds despite worker's "repeated" no-shows

In a decision illustrating how much latitude the FWC is prepared to give unrepresented applicants, an employer has failed to have a former worker's unfair dismissal claim binned despite his "repeated failures" to attend conferences.

Hitler parody worker wins $201K compensation, loses promotion

While ordering BP to pay more than $200,000 compensation to a reinstated worker who made a Hitler parody video of its protracted bargaining with oil refinery workers, an FWC full bench has allowed it to reduce his bonus and revoke a promotion.