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Employer fined $36K after "daring" FWO to come after him

A hospitality business and its director have been hit with a $36,000 fine after they "snubbed their noses" at the FWC by failing to comply on time with orders to pay an unfairly sacked barista $5780 compensation.

Hugging teacher fails to win back job

An FWC full bench has today found errors in a ruling that upheld a private school's sacking of a 52-year-old teacher for hugging students and other misdeeds, but has refused to overturn it.

Vax reaction excuses late dismissal claim: FWC

A Filipino worker who relied on her husband to lodge a general protections claim has won more time to file after the FWC accepted his second Pfizer vaccination put him out of action for two days, while the tribunal has granted an extension in another case due to a lawyer's miscounting.

Newsflash: High Court throws out challenge by JCU's Ridd

In a significant ruling on academic free speech, the High Court has today unanimously upheld James Cook University's right to dismiss academic Peter Ridd for breaching its conduct code when he denounced its climate change research.

"Kafkaesque" pregnancy case proceeds after delay excused

A recruitment company's former operations manager, who is claiming $20,000 for the hurt and humiliation flowing from her alleged discriminatory sacking due to her pregnancy, has won more time to pursue her claim, while her employer has failed in its bid for costs against her "neophyte" lawyer, after a court accepted that there had been "a comedy of errors" that fell well short of representative error.

Work and care spheres "colliding" in retail: SDA

The more than one million retail workers need more stable rosters, better pay and greater job security, along with flexible and affordable childcare, to enable them to meet their caring responsibilities, according to a new university study commissioned by the SDA.

FWC approves use of failed bullying case material in court matter

A FWC presidential member has over the objections of an ASX-listed company permitted a portfolio manager to use confidential material from his failed bullying matter in a Federal Court adverse action case brought against his former employer.

RFS told to reconsider stressed veteran's leave request

A tribunal has ordered the NSW Rural Fire Service to revisit its rejection of a senior manager's request for a year's leave to recover from the devastating 2019-20 bushfire season, while acknowledging concerns about a leadership void for the approaching summer and urging it to extend its search for a temporary replacement.