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"Extensive" domestic violence explained late claim: FWC

The FWC has provided a one-day extension of time to a worker who presented comprehensive evidence to support her argument that she ran late because she experienced "extensive" domestic violence that led to her being admitted to hospital.

BHP workers facing sack after recalibrated vax mandate

BHP says it will ask 35 Mt Arthur coal mine workers why it should not sack them if they continue to defy its vaccination mandate after engaging in a fresh FWC-assisted consultation process.

Union to test key BHP OS precept

BHP's internal labour hire operation is facing a union challenge to a key element of its model, which holds that its workers are not attached to particular mine sites or regions and can have their jobs relocated anywhere on the east coast.

Extra 40 minutes' travel made job offer unacceptable: FWC

The FWC has in an instructive decision about reasonable additional travel when considering alternative employment found that a salesperson was justified in turning down an offer requiring a total of 40 minutes extra commuting.

$1m damages claim over suggestive Sydney Water poster

A Sydney Water employee whose image was used in a suggestive OHS poster has been cleared to pursue more than $1 million in damages after the FWC ruled that a series of failures in her employer's response forced her to resign.

Hospitals face rash of junior doctor class actions

Victoria's Alfred Health and St Vincent's Health have become the latest public hospital operators targeted by a swathe of class actions seeking six years of unpaid overtime on behalf of current and former junior doctors.

Dozing prison guard reinstated after "procedural muddle"

A prison guard who nodded off during shifts has won his job back after a tribunal found proper account had not been taken of his previously undiagnosed sleep apnea and that his dismissal was affected by a "procedural muddle" featuring two decision-makers reaching different conclusions.

Sacked after "coastal lifestyle" warning, claims HR manager

A HR manager who claims Spotless warned him about living a "coastal lifestyle" and being unwilling to work the hours of a salaried employee after relocating to the Sunshine Coast accuses it of sacking him after just six weeks for lodging anti-bullying and workers compensation claims.

UWU planning aged care strikes next year

The UWU has resolved to pursue unprecedented protected strikes in aged care next year unless providers improve wages and care hours.