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Coles free to bargain in separate aisles: FWC

A paid bargaining agent has failed to force Coles to give him a seat at the bargaining table with the UWU, after the FWC rejected his bid for a bargaining order, finding the Act doesn't require a single bargaining unit and that the supermarket giant provided "clear and sensible" reasons for separate negotiations.

Fair for self-medicating nurse to pay price: Umpire

Queensland's IRC has upheld the State health department's decision to demote and impose a significant pay cut on a nurse accused of stealing and self-administering drugs valued at $3 to treat a headache during a busy shift at a rural hospital.

Teachers and employers apart on more than pay: IEU

The IEU in announcing a strike in NSW and ACT Catholic schools next Friday has rejected claims it has already agreed on everything but a pay rise of up to 15%, saying the "malaise has set in" for teachers struggling with high workloads and staff shortages.

Regulation the recipe for food delivery workers: Researcher

The poor prospects of consumers mobilising behind food delivery workers to secure minimum hourly rates and conditions means it has to be addressed by the legal framework, an academic has told an IR conference, while Ai Group chief executive Innes Willox says the Federal Government needs to drive regulation of the gig economy.

"Bald" slur was s-xual harassment: UK tribunal

A long-serving employee called a "bald c--t" during an argument with a shift supervisor suffered harassment based on his s-x, a UK tribunal has ruled.

Alleged "tax dodges" at heart of sacked advisor's $13M claim

A former Greenwoods & Herbert Smith Freehills partner is suing the advisory firm for $13 million after claiming that it constructively dismissed him for questioning major client Lendlease's "aggressive" approach to tax on several projects.

FWC urges Rio to probe s-xual harassment allegation

After a wave of s-xual harassment and assault coming to light at remote mine sites, the FWC has told Rio Tinto it should conduct a "proper" investigation of what appears to be s-xual harassment of a former employee almost five years ago, but has ruled it has no power to make anti-harassment orders because he is no longer working for the resources giant.