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Paid "climate disaster" leave in new deal

A proposed new agreement for the Australian Youth Climate Coalition provides substantial upfront pay rises and entitlements to five days paid climate disaster leave, 30 days paid gender affirmation leave and 12% super contributions, while it replaces workplace breastfeeding provisions with "chestfeeding" rights.

Redefine "employment" to protect gig workers: Academic

IR Minister Tony Burke has outlined some of the entitlements he would like the FWC to include in the minimum conditions it prescribes for gig workers, while emphasising that it will be up to the tribunal to decide what's in and what's out, but a leading IR academic who developed a state labor government's blueprint for labour hire regulation says the new Government's approach will provide "a limited solution".

NSW Labor pledges to axe public sector pay cap

The NSW Opposition has promised today that if it takes power at the March election, it will scrap the decade-old public sector wages cap and replace it with a productivity-based bargaining system.

FWC goes lunar in time-extension deliberations

A workplace tribunal member has philosophised about the sun and moon in considering whether to extend time for an unfair dismissal claim filed three days late.

TWU-Uber deal as Labor's regulatory regime looms

The TWU has signed an agreement with Uber that commits the delivery and rideshare giant to supporting the Federal Government legislating for an independent body responsible for creating industry-wide standards.

Sacking of political staffer by email unfair: FWC

Former Labor Senator Kristina Keneally's decision to summarily sack a staffer via email without hearing from him after he confronted a Coalition MP with claims of coercive control unfairly denied him a chance to argue an "active bystander" defence, the FWC has held.

Mail redirection warrants extension to contest COVID-19 sacking: FWC

An AGL worker who refused to provide proof of being vaccinated against COVID-19 has won a time extension to contest her dismissal after the FWC accepted her application was delayed when the Commission redirected its mail from Perth to Melbourne.

Big fines loom after threats to exploited cooks

In what a lawyer believes will result in one of the biggest wage theft penalty orders to date, the Federal Court has found an employer significantly underpaid two cooks, made "cashback" demands to recoup payroll tax and visa costs and used threats to ensure compliance.