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Calling unvaxxed worker's rep "Mr" no basis for recusal: FWC

A senior FWC member has refused to recuse himself for addressing a worker's representative as "mister" in an unfair dismissal case that argued an employer should have permitted an unvaccinated employee to keep working from home during COVID-19 restrictions instead of sacking her.

Tribunal's "colonial attitude" claim dismissed

A worker who claims FWC President Iain Ross admitted to having a problem with commissioners' "colonial attitude" has lost his Federal Court bid to sue the tribunal for racial discrimination.

Nobody told us to resume considering appeal: FWC bench

A FWC full bench has taken a union and employer to task for failing to notify it to resume hearing the former's challenge to a contentious hospitality deal under which employees can work "voluntary" additional hours without penalties.

Judge queries conflicting approaches to adverse action cases

A Federal Court judge, after identifying conflicting case law on how to assess employers' motives, has concluded that the ATO did not sack an auditor for complaining about "defamatory" claims that he told colleagues during office drinks that he would "f--k" his manager to get a promotion.

Don't prescribe direct employment in aged care: PC

In findings unlikely to get a good reception in Canberra, the Productivity Commission has come down firmly against the federal government adopting a policy of preferring direct employment in the aged care sector.

Sacked lawyer's vax status not a private matter: FWC

The FWC has tossed out an unfair dismissal claim from a government lawyer responsible for overseeing safe workplaces, finding he fully understood the seriousness of "wilfully and persistently" refusing to confirm his COVID-19 vaccination status.

Air traffic operator's penalties sky high: Full court

A Federal Court majority has slashed by more than 65% penalties imposed on a government-owned organisation for breaching agreement obligations, finding them "manifestly excessive".

Union deal impeding permanent roles, claims government

The NSW Perrottet Coalition Government is blaming a union-negotiated staffing agreement for hampering its ability to offer permanency to temporary teachers, as both it and NSW Labor promise to convert 10,000 to permanent roles.

FWC reinstates transport worker who hugged Year 8 student

A Sydney Trains employee has won his job back after he was initially convicted of assaulting a Year 8 student by hugging and kissing her on a platform, the FWC first seeking feedback on whether to move him to another station or role.

Transport gig model could be broader template: Peetz

A special panel, similar to that proposed for the road transport industry, could be established within the FWC to set minimum pay and conditions for gig workers in disability, aged and home care, a leading IR academic has told a parliamentary inquiry.