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Court penalises major employer for tardy PABO response

In a signal to employers that they must have systems in place to ensure they promptly provide information the FWC requires to launch a protected action ballot, the Federal Court has imposed a substantial fine on waste giant Cleanaway for a short delay in the "time-critical" process, while warning that in more egregious cases larger penalties would be warranted.

Member set bar "too high" for suppression orders: Bench

In a significant decision on principles of open justice, gas giant Santos has won confidentiality orders on its second attempt as it defends its sacking of a former outlaw motorcycle gang member accused of s-xually harassing a 22-year-old apprentice.

Weekend voicemail sacking "discourteous": FWC

A truck driver sacked without notice via a Saturday afternoon voicemail following the sale of his employer's business has won compensation, including a payment to cover the cost of "upskilling" his licence.

HR team "should have known better": FWC bench

A FWC full bench has slammed a public health provider's HR team for its "inappropriate" response to queries about late payment of 'nauseous work' and education allowances for an estimated 220 employees, concluding that the delay amounted to an underpayment capable of attracting a penalty.

Compensation for worker sacked after big night out

An employer had insufficient evidence to support its sacking of a manager who consumed up to 15 standard drinks the day and evening before his 7am start, the FWC has ruled.

$230M class action settlement a "seismic shift": Lawyers

Lawyers behind an underpayments class action on behalf of more than 20,000 junior doctors say a $230 million settlement reached with NSW Health is the largest in the nation's legal history and represents a "seismic shift".

"Bullying", "gaslighting" claims defamed me: Professor

The Federal Court has given a media company until next month to change its defence against an article that allegedly carries the defamatory imputation that a university professor created or fostered a toxic workplace culture of bullying and fear.

Early move to "sever" fixed term contract a dismissal: FWC

A training officer employed on a fixed term contract can proceed with his adverse action case against a volunteer rescue organisation after the FWC accepted that it sacked him when it told him two weeks before its expiry that it would not be renewed.