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Union seeks underpayment fix after FWC refuses to change deal

The NTEU is calling on Monash University to rectify $9 million in alleged underpayments to casual teachers after the FWC rejected a bid to retrospectively vary its agreement, while its vice chancellor and soon-to-be Victorian Governor says that without a "grand bargain" their payment systems will remain an "unproductive source of contestation".

$65K for worker sacked for telling contractor "take a sickie"

Resources giant Santos has been ordered to pay $65,000 to a worker sacked for telling a contractor to "take a sickie" during a strike, the FWC finding the dismissal harsh after weighing his long and unblemished career.

No compensation for unvaxxed worker despite unfair sacking

The FWC has awarded zero compensation to an unvaccinated former Boeing worker at the same time as it has lambasted the subsidiary that unfairly sacked him for failing to inform him of the result of his redeployment bid.

Burke considering multi-factor test for SJSP

IR Minister Tony Burke says the Albanese Government is considering a multi-factor test as part of its Same Job, Same Pay proposals, after resources employer group AREEA argued this is "critical" to delineate between "traditional labour hire" and other arrangements.

Court puts squeeze on juice bar for JobKeeper rort

A court has ordered a juice bar that pocketed a worker's JobKeeper payments to cough up nearly $30,000 and its director $5000 for ignoring a FWO compliance notice, signalling to the restaurant and cafe sector that its lawbreaking record has created a need for "very substantial general deterrence".

"Disturbing lack of candour" in pilot's anti-vax case: Judge

A Federal Court judge has noted a pilot's "disturbing lack of candour" in whittling back the challenge of eight former Virgin and Jetstar employees to their dismissals for failing to comply with COVID-19 vaccination policies.

Flying Kangaroo using 14 employing entities for cabin crew: ACTU

Qantas has hit back at ACTU research detailing the labour hire "loopholes" it allegedly uses to suppress wages and conditions to the extent that on-hire managers, after more than a decade on the job, are earning less than the directly-engaged workers they supervise.