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Chevron IBD case to start next week

FWC President Adam Hatcher today timetabled Chevron's applications for three intractable bargaining declarations at its Western Australian LNG operations, setting down a full bench hearing hearing from September 22, while also directing the company to resume mediation.

Tribunal rejects greenfields deal after notification shortfall

A logistics company has failed to win approval for a greenfields deal as it only notified the MUA's WA branch despite provisions for future national expansion, and it offers "substantially inferior" pay and conditions.

Worker fails to prove "greedy Indian" insults occurred: Court

A judge has thrown out a Bing Lee worker's race and sex discrimination case, saying it demonstrates "the perils of litigating hurt feelings", after she embellished events "which stem predominantly from unremarkable, collegiate 'small talk', and petty workplace disagreements to cast them in a more nefarious light".

Chevron IBD case before FWC president next week

As Chevron workers prepare to start industrial action this afternoon and the FWC continues week-long talks to resolve the underlying bargaining dispute for its Wheatstone downstream and Gorgon facilities, the tribunal's president will conduct a preliminary hearing next week of the company's bid for an intractable bargaining declaration for its Wheatstone platform.

Union pushing for rejection of unilateral Catholic schools deal

The IEU is urging Queensland's Catholic school teachers and support staff to reject a "punitive" proposed agreement that it claims will deliver the biggest cuts to their working conditions in two decades, but the employer says there are "no cuts".

Sham deal might be tip of iceberg: Bench

The FWC will probe potential "wider-scale abuse" of agreement-making under the Fair Work Act after quashing the approval of a Chevron contractor's labour hire deal made with six "employees" in a sham process "entirely lacking in authenticity and moral authority".

Firefighters say IBD case to test whether agreed terms can be "undone"

The UFU's Victorian branch says the FWC should issue a groundbreaking intractable bargaining declaration to overcome stalled enterprise agreement negotiations with Fire Services Victoria, but it should not allow a post-declaration bargaining period to "undo and revisit" terms that have already been agreed.

Labour hire changes likely to be effective: Stewart

A leading labour law academic says the drafting of the Albanese Government's latest swathe of IR changes is "complex" but the reformed approach to defining an employee is "really significant" and new labour hire provisions are likely to prevent employers from evading agreements via outsourcing.