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Major APS agency voting on 2% pay deal

Some 35,000 Department of Human Services employees began voting on Friday on a proposed deal delivering a 2% annual pay rise, while the FWC has recently approved agreements for three mid-sized APS agencies providing the same quantum to about 8,500 employees.

Queensland to investigate "rogue" labour hire arrangements

A Queensland parliamentary inquiry will consider licensing and registration of labour hire companies as the state becomes the third jurisdiction to launch investigations into allegations of sham contracting and abuses of visa workers by labour suppliers.

Worker unfairly sacked over murder accessory charge: FWC

Employers must conduct a reasonable investigation and avoid a "knee-jerk reaction" when considering sacking any employee facing serious out-of-hours criminal charges, a tribunal has warned.

Lingerie store breaches adverse action laws

A lingerie store manager allegedly labelled a "sl-t" after refusing the s-xual advances of a director at a work function was exposed to unlawful adverse action when the company refused to re-employ her, the Federal Circuit Court has found.

Turnbull has chance to get IR bills up in Senate: Forsyth

The Turnbull Coalition Government will have a better chance of achieving its IR legislative agenda and won't need to "run dead" on IR as an Abbott Government would have in the lead-up to the next election, an IR academic has told a Canberra forum.

Court restrains doctor from operating in agreed geographic exclusion zone

A medical practice has won an interlocutory injunction to stop one of its doctors working at his newly-established rival practice, after a court accepted it had a strong argument that he breached provisions in a restraint clause barring him from operating within a 10-kilometre exclusion zone.