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Inquiry chair refers employer's "threat" to Victoria Police

The chair of Victoria's labour hire inquiry has asked police to consider investigating one of the state's leading poultry producers for advising an employee that his job was in jeopardy if he continued to make "unsubstantiated" allegations about the company.

Victoria to establish labour hire licensing scheme

Victoria's Andrews Government has today committed to introducing a labour hire licensing scheme, after the Forsyth inquiry recommended such a regime for labour suppliers to the horticulture, meat and cleaning industries.

Prison officer who assaulted inmates wins job back

The NSW IRC has ordered the reinstatement from today of a decorated senior prison officer it dismissed for assaulting three inmates while suffering from a mental illness, but he will be denied backpay due to his misconduct.

FWC upholds sacking of s-x abuser

The employer of a manager jailed for child s-x abuse denied him procedural fairness and should have obtained external advice before sacking him, but the FWC has found the dismissal a proportionate response.

Court orders CFA to release communications with minister

The Victorian Supreme Court has ordered the Country Fire Authority to produce communications with its minister and advice it received from the Andrews Government about its proposed new enterprise agreement.

Annualised salary deal didn't specify award opt-outs, says court

A court has cleared the way for an employee to pursue claims for $29,000 in allegedly unpaid overtime and lunch breaks after finding her employment contract failed to specify the provisions of the clerks award that would be bought out in her annualised salary.