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SA passes labour hire licensing laws

South Australia's Weatherill Labor Government will continue to push for national laws regulating labour hire, even though the state this week passed its own laws.

Union claims $70 million windfall for apprentices after court win

The ETU has declared a major payday for more than 4000 Queensland apprentices it claims are owed $70 million in underpayments after a full Federal Court today held that an old State award that continued to dictate their pay was superseded three years ago.

FWC sends sacked bus driver back to employer for repairs

The FWC has reinstated a public bus driver dismissed after a road rage incident in which a vehicle was damaged and punches thrown, the commissioner observing that while the employee-employer relationship was "bruised", it was not beyond repair.

Serial wage thieves taken to the cleaners for $510,000

The husband and wife team behind a cleaning business have been hit with a record $510,840 penalty for underpaying three Taiwanese working holiday visa holders $11,500, a Federal Circuit Court judge dismissing concerns about their ability to pay despite an outstanding bill of $343,000 from a previous prosecution for identical contraventions.

CSL immune to misleading conduct, adverse action claims

An operations director who claimed a biotech giant offered her a job "until retirement" has failed to establish that it engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct or that it took adverse action by retrenching her the following year.

FWO seeks first contempt of court ruling after freezing order breached

The FWO has initiated its first contempt of court application against a Cairns businessman for allegedly breaching a freezing order by transferring $41,035 out of two company accounts to a family trust when still owing $85,000 to the Commonwealth and former employees.

UK Uber ruling exposes underbelly of digital platforms: Academic

An academic has welcomed a UK appeal tribunal decision holding that Uber drivers are workers entitled to minimum wages and conditions, saying that it confirms that the employment models used by digital platform providers lack any legitimacy.

Failure to explain kills labour hire deal

In a decision signalling potential judicial pushback against so-called "sham" agreements, a Federal Court has quashed a two-year-old deal approved by three employees that now covers more than 1000 mining services workers, ruling that the employer made inadequate efforts to explain a document benchmarked against 11 different awards.