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Mondelez influence felt in tribunal leave ruling

The FWC has found "persuasive" the High Court's reliance in Mondelez on ordinary hours to calculate entitlements, dumping a union's attempt to win more annual leave for council waste and recycling workers.

Employer took "kitchen sink" approach to allegations: FWC

The FWC has awarded $8000 compensation to an airport employee who transferred sensitive files from his work computer onto a personal USB, finding the employer took a "kitchen sink" approach to allegations used to justify his summary dismissal.

Tribunal clarifies definition of "emergency" carer's leave

After revoking a finding that a worker was entitled to carer's leave as his mother could not look after his children due to COVID-19 concerns, the FWC has found he met the bar for only one day and can "split the different" on repaying the rest.

Praise for employer's patience in matter beyond "King Solomon"

In what stands as a lesson in managing employees with deeply-held grievances, a senior tribunal member has commended a large employer's HR department for its patience in trying to accommodate a "very difficult" worker before his dismissal.

Virgin workforce backs some deals, rejects others

While Virgin workers have voted up five new agreements, pilots' overwhelming rejection of a Virgin Australia deal is the largest VIPA has seen and cabin crew's 70% "no" vote comes despite the FAAA telling members it was the best that could be achieved.

ATO flouted agreement's WFH regime: Union

The ASU is challenging the ATO's COVID-19 emergency work-from-home arrangements and its ability to quickly call employees back to the office, accusing it in a Federal Court adverse action case of breaching the terms of its agreement.

Settlement offer cruels attempt to reduce redundancy

A recruitment company that sought to slash a marketing coordinator's hours by 75% before making her redundant has failed to convince the FWC that it should reduce her payout to zero.

Court backs rare Premier's challenge to tribunal ruling

A palliative care doctor given 10 minutes' notice that his three-year fixed-term contract was to be succeeded by a six-month contract immediately lost his right to have a tribunal review the new offer, Tasmania's Supreme Court has held.

Court rejects worker's $1.5m "Gay Fridays" harassment claim

The Federal Court has thrown out a former chicken processing worker's $1.5 million sexual harassment claim after weighing detailed evidence about "Gay Fridays" and the distractions needed to cope with a "horrible" job.