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"Undisclosed" IR strategy no basis to halt bargaining: FWC

CSL has fended off interim orders that would have halted negotiations for a new deal for workers at a flagship vaccine-making facility due to start operating in 2026, after unions raised concerns that a leaked internal document revealed plans to undermine existing pay and conditions.

"Well-intentioned" department fined over 2016 teacher sacking

A former public school teacher has been awarded $10,500 in penalties after pursuing the ACT's education department through the courts for more than seven years over allegations it unlawfully dismissed her, breaching its agreement's job security terms.

FWC member sharpens "shiftworker" definition

A senior FWC member has delved into arbitral history to offer his own definition of a 'seven day shiftworker' after expressing frustration that there is no "simple" or "unambiguous" description of the term in the many awards it is employed.

Hatcher gives damning assessment of IR agent's conduct

FWC President Adam Hatcher has decried a paid IR agent's "misleading and unethical" practices in a case where it failed to inform a worker that the amount agreed to settle his adverse action claim would not cover its fees.

No recusal after worker calls member a "dip-sh-t"

A worker who called a FWC deputy president a "dip-sh-t", "bearuacratic w-nker" and a "grinch" has failed to secure his recusal for allegedly failing to hold his employer accountable for breaching the Privacy Act.

Wharfies unfairly sacked over vax refusal: FWC

The FWC has ordered compensation but declined to reinstate 24 DP World wharfies sacked in 2021 for refusing to be vaccinated against COVID-19, finding that although the dismissal process was bungled, the workers "significantly contributed" to the situation.

Hatcher intervenes after worker "horrified" by adverse action result

FWC President Adam Hatcher has ordered a paid IR agent to attend a conference to resolve a worker's complaint that he ended up out of pocket after settling an adverse action case his representative sought to discontinue without his express approval.