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FWC canvasses employers on FDV policies; & more

FWC seeks to identify incidence of workplace FDV policies; Casual terms review timetable pushed back; and AiG calls for reduction in minimum pay delays for COVID-hit sectors.

Trust loss after safety failure stymies reinstatement

An employer has convinced the FWC that a mineworker found to have been unfairly sacked over a safety failure should not be reinstated because it had lost trust and confidence in him.

Airline's executives, HR bullied engineer: FWC

A senior FWC member has accused the chair of budget airline Regional Express of acting as the "puppet-master" of a general manager held, along with his deputy and a HR advisor, to have bullied an engineer targeted in the company's media releases.

Department must consult on dress standards, social media: FWC

The Department of Home Affairs has failed to convince the FWC it was not obliged to consult workers before introducing new policies governing social media use, interactions with children and a dress code deeming sleeveless clothing "unsuitable".

Court halts "discriminatory" Qantas pilot retirement

A Qantas international captain, in a case with some echoes of the landmark Christie case, has won an interim injunction to restrain what he claims is a discriminatory decision to dismiss him because he has turned 65 and can't meet his job's inherent requirements.

Workpac redundancy not genuine: FWC

The FWC has found the redundancy of a FIFO labour hire coal mineworker affected by COVID-19 travel restrictions not genuine, holding that Workpac failed to meet its consult obligations after BHP said it no longer needed him.

Fair to sack worker who refused flu vax: FWC

In a significant decision acknowledging the "scarce" guidance on compulsory workplace COVID-19 vaccinations, the FWC has upheld a big employer's dismissal of a childcare worker for refusing to take a free flu shot.

Sacked picker compensated after "unfortunate" HR investigation

The FWC has criticised a company's "entirely unjust" process in sacking a long-serving mushroom picker for misplacing a knife, while noting her prior unblemished disciplinary record contrasted strangely with a swathe of warnings following a workplace injury.

FWC warning over "shorthand" assumptions in settlements

The FWC has cautioned against parties assuming they have a common understanding of notions like "usual terms" and "mutual release" in settlement agreements, after an accountant decided to proceed with her unfair dismissal case following apparently successful conciliation.

Scammed bank manager wins job back

The FWC has ordered the reinstatement of a bank manager who transferred $37,500 to a fraudster's account in the frenzied early days of the COVID-19 pandemic.