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Queensland makes public sector employment more secure

In a significant development, Queensland's Palaszczuk Government has made permanent thousands of fixed-term employees, after conversion disputes started to bank up in the State Commission.

Court clears way for challenge to class action

CIMIC Group subsidiary UGL plans to sue the AMWU and CFMMEU for allegedly breaching financial services laws when they arranged to fund a class action against it, after the Federal Court cleared the way for it to use details revealed in the funding agreement in its pursuit.

NSW nurses vow to stay course despite anti-strike orders

The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association says it is "100% committed" to supporting members who are campaigning for nurse-patient ratios, after the State IRC ordered it to not engage in industrial action.

Donning/doffing PPE is working time: Bench

A full bench has quashed a finding that a meatworker is not entitled to payment for time involved in putting on and removing PPE during a half-hour unpaid meal break, but has held an employer's silence did not give the FWC power to arbitrate on the before- and after-work requirement.

Company car removal after 'roo strike a dismissal: FWC

In a decision exploring when employers can be said to have repudiated employment contracts, the FWC has ruled that a multinational dismissed a worker when it "unilaterally" withdrew his company car without compensation following a collision with a kangaroo.

10,000-plus workers stood down after cyber attack

A cyber security attack on multinational meat and food producer JBS has triggered the standing down of about 10,000 Australian workers without pay, according to the AMIEU.

FWC rejects RAFFWU's Coles majority support bid

RAFFWU petitions showing almost 100% of 2000 participating Coles workers want to bargain for its proposed deal have failed to convince the FWC to make a majority support determination, given it fell far short of the 103,600 who would be covered.

"We stab people in the front, not the back": Sacked lawyer's claim

The managing director of an ASX-listed wealth management company allegedly directed his gaze to a whistleblowing employee during a staff meeting and said that "we stab [people] in the front", not the back, according to an adverse action claim filed in the Federal Court.

High Court to hear traumatised lawyer's case

The High Court has granted a lawyer leave to appeal a finding that her State government employer did not breach its duty of care in managing her reaction to preparing a large volume of child s-xual offence cases.