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Rentokil workers reinstated after FWC finds bug in process

In a decision highlighting the importance of clear policies and adequate investigations, the FWC has ordered Rentokil to reinstate three sales workers summarily sacked for sharing their commissions after finding it a longstanding practice.

"Political opinion" on vaccination not behind BHP sacking: FWC

A BHP in-house labour hire worker has failed to convince the FWC she was sacked in part because of her "political opinion" about COVID-19 vaccinations at a time when the company was pursuing a policy of mandatory jabs.

Employer not liable for tortious urination incident

The High Court has held that an employer is not vicariously liable for an injury to a resort worker from his colleague urinating on him after returning drunk to a studio they had to share.

Suggestive singing amounted to harassment

A UK tribunal has found that a male manager harassed a male worker by touching him inappropriately and suggestively singing a song about propositioning someone for s-x.

Sacked train driver acted in self-defence: FWC

The FWC has reinstated a train driver sacked for kicking and grappling with a stranger on a station concourse while on his way to work, after finding the employer failed to properly weigh his right to defend himself from attack.

$200K payout after "deliberate" shop steward sacking

A court has ordered an employer to pay more than $200,000 in compensation and penalties for its "deliberate" sacking of two delegates, finding that the dismissals signalled to other employees that engaging with unions could have "serious consequences".

Big W worker sacked for stealing and "farrago of lies": FWC

The FWC has upheld the dismissal of a Big W employee sacked for colluding with his mother to steal a $400 hard drive, and then fabricating "a false and misleading story in an attempt to cover up his behaviour".

FSU backs "industry-leading" NAB deal

The FSU is urging members at NAB to accept a revised "benchmark" agreement offer that will lift their pay by as much as 17.5% and boost the ability to work from home, but the union says the improvements are not enough for it to call off Federal Court action over excessive hours.