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Policy left employer with no choice but to sack worker: Bench

A SA youth worker sacked after he was deemed "psychologically unsuitable" has failed to overturn a finding that his employer had no option because of the job's inherent requirement that he pass the psychometric test.

Golden Parches: Takeaway fined for denying drink, toilet breaks

A court has today praised RAFFWU for its service of the national interest in pursuing a McDonald's franchisee and securing $82,000 in fines against if for sinister, cruel, coercive threats via Facebook posts to deny its predominantly young workforce drink and toilet breaks required under the fast food chain's agreement.

Most flexibility requests granted, but room to improve: Report

The NSW public sector granted more than 87% of women's requests for flexible work ahead of COVID-19, according to a large PSA member survey that says the pandemic has proved there is still room for improvement in the Berejiklian Government's "if not why not" policy.

Umpire set to extend clerks award as WFH talks continue

The FWC is likely tomorrow to extend COVID-19 flexibilities in the clerical award until the end of March, after the ACTU agreed not to oppose the move, while unions and employers are continuing to negotiate on proposed "enduring" working from home provisions.

Delegates' fracas had tenuous workplace connection: FWC

The FWC has ordered Toll Transport to reinstate one of two TWU delegates who fought each other after a union meeting, finding their punch-up over yard deals while on paid delegates leave did not have a sufficient connection to their work.

Porter rejects Four Corners allegations

Attorney-General and IR Minister Christian Porter is attempting to stare down allegations of inappropriate conduct, as he prepares to oversee crucial legislation to change workplace laws and to introduce a national anti-corruption agency.