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No advance on closing gender pay gap: WGEA

The gender pay gap is stuck at 22.8%, while more than 40% of employers that analysed the disparity between men's and women's pay in their workplaces over the past year took no action, according to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency's latest scorecard.

FWC backs supervisor's sacking for role in boozy lunch

The FWC has upheld the sacking of a supervisor summarily dismissed for disobeying a reasonable direction when he allowed his team to drink alcohol while celebrating the completion of a major project.

Union seeking to reverse crucial entry rights ruling

The ETU has confirmed that it will challenge a Federal Court ruling that "neuters" unions' rights to enter workplaces to organise workers through a restrictive interpretation of provisions allowing access for "discussions" with employees.

Greens to seek "roster justice" and "disconnect" rights in next round

The Greens will push for the Albanese Government's next tranche of IR legislation to include a "right to disconnect" outside working hours and "roster justice" that gives workers with variable hours have more predictability and certainty.

Court curbs union entry rights

Union officials can't use their right to enter premises for discussions with members to gather signatures on petitions or "secure a commitment to a particular course of action in the future", the Federal Court has found, ruling in favour of an employer that blocked access for an organiser who sought workers' backing for a majority support determination.

Pandemic a poor indicator of WFH productivity: HILDA

The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in record numbers of people working from home, but the latest Hilda Survey suggests the period might not serve as a reliable indicator of productivity and job satisfaction levels for those who are not forced into it.

Progress on harassment, but results lagging: Jenkins

The Human Rights Commission's latest survey of workplace sexual harassment shows little change in incidence over the past four years, while only two-thirds of workers reported their employer had anti-harassment policies and just one third had received training, Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins told the National Press Club yesterday in a speech that also marked the first anniversary of her "Set the Standard" report on federal parliamentary workplaces.

Employer told to cough up for testing time

In a significant decision on the nature of work, the FWC has found that the nursing home at the centre of one of Queensland's deadliest COVID-19 outbreaks should have paid employees for the time spent taking rapid antigen tests before the start of their shifts.

FWC corrects record for "insubordinate" sparkie

A Smith's Snackfood electrician accused of insubordination and repeatedly refusing to follow directions to assist during a fire has failed to knock out his final warning, but the FWC says his "entirely understandable" application has set his disciplinary record straight.