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Unconscious bias ruling upheld on appeal

Victoria's appeal court has upheld a ruling that an employer treated a manager unfavourably because of her s-x, when it ignored her repeated attempts to negotiate over-agreement pay rates, despite affording higher rates to male colleagues.

Bench refuses to spike unvaxxed worker's tardy dismissal claim

A NSW IRC full bench has quashed the rejection of an unvaccinated worker's bid for a one-day extension to challenge her sacking after a commissioner found it would cause prejudice and that she has little prospect of success, based on arguments her employer did not make.

"Sickos" Facebook poster wins job back

The FWC has ordered the reinstatement of a firefighter who shared an image of naked women in a "sickos" Facebook group of current and former colleagues but upheld the sacking of another who posted p-rnography during his shift, in decisions slamming "tick-and-flick" training.

New UK bills extend flexible work rights

Two proposed new UK laws aim to protect workers by making their time on the job more flexible and predictable, with one bill attempting to combat "one-sided flexibility" by providing the right to seek a reliable working pattern, and another making it easier to make flexible working requests.

Tribunal backs restrictions on second-job lawyer

A prison officer who also works casually as a lawyer has lost his challenge to a Queensland Corrective Services ban on him representing colleagues in cases against it or in domestic violence, traffic offence and criminal matters.

Most women experiencing painful periods at work: Survey

Three-quarters of working women are suffering from painful periods, according to a continuing survey conducted by Maurice Blackburn that it is seeking to open up to a broader audience, as it prepares to use the data to lobby for reproductive leave and flexible work arrangements.

Video evidence not the post-pandemic norm: tribunal

In ordering a witness to attend a hearing in person, a NSW IRC member has highlighted "real pitfalls when evidence is not given in person" and emphasised that despite the widespread acceptance of virtual appearances at the height of COVID-19, there is no "presumption in favour of granting an order that evidence be given by [audio-visual link]".

Police prosecutor's WFH case dismissed

A prosecutor who says working from home one day a week improves his mental health has failed to budge Queensland Police's rejection of his flexibility request, with a tribunal supporting its contention that his best bet might be seeking a "suitable duties" plan.

"All roles flex" in APS under new policy

A new set of flexible work principles for the Australian Public Service aspire to make all roles flexible - while continuing to meet organisational needs - and will provide the basis for unions and government to negotiate a common flexibility term for public sector agreements.