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Unions applaud revised position on COVID-19 wage subsidies

The ACTU has welcomed the Morrison Government's apparent shift towards wage subsidies to assist those thrown out of work by the coronavirus crisis, while Canberra has received a further extension for its minimum wage case submission.

Bench makes COVID-19 changes to clerks award

An FWC full bench has today granted a coronavirus-driven variation to the clerks' award that provides more flexibility to work at home, take leave and reduce hours.

Labour movement united in pushing for wage subsidies

Unions and the ALP today secured support from a key business group as they continue to pressure the Morrison Government into paying UK-style wage subsidies to coronavirus-affected workers, against a background of tripartite cooperation not seen for 25 years.

AEC attendance halt delays PABO voting

The AEC will no longer conduct attendance ballots for protected industrial action until the coronavirus crisis is resolved, prompting the FWC to vary multiple union PABO applications in order to delay the close of voting and allow for postal ballots.

COVID-19 variations impel new take on safety net: Employers

The coronavirus pandemic requires a temporary but fundamental reconsideration of the Fair Work Act's safety net, according to a joint bid to vary a key award to provide substantial operational and hours flexibility.

NSW passes COVID-19 long service changes

NSW has passed legislation to give workers earlier and more flexible access to long service during the COVID-19 pandemic and possibly providing a model for other states.

COVID-19 spurs union-employer bid for award flexibility

FWC President Iain Ross will this afternoon hear a joint application by the UWU and the Australian Hotels Association to vary the hospitality award 2010 to help businesses to save jobs as the coronavirus crisis bites.

Coronavirus puts IR change consultations on back-burner

The coronavirus crisis has prompted the Morrison Government to suspend its consultations over further changes to IR laws, including the introduction of criminal penalties for the worst cases of underpayment.