2020 coronavirus pandemic page 55 of 82

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Union seeks FWC intervention in Qantas outsource plan

The TWU will today file a dispute application in the Fair Work Commission over the Qantas plan to outsource its ground crew operations, which are performed by a 2500-strong workforce

COVID-19 impels greater parental leave flexibility: Porter

The Morrison Government has this morning introduced legislation to permit all parents to take up to 30 days of flexible unpaid parental leave until their child turns two and ensure 12 months of unpaid parental leave is available for families dealing with stillbirths, infant deaths and premature births.

FWC moves to accommodate new WFH reality

The FWC has taken the initiative of releasing a draft award schedule addressing working-from-home arrangements, describing it as conversation-starter that recognises the need to adapt to COVID-19 realities.

Unamended JobKeeper 2.0 set for passage through Senate

The Morrison Government's legislation to extend the JobKeeper wage subsidy is set to be passed by the Senate after Labor and the Greens failed to win support for amendments late last night.