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NSW pay freeze thaws but cap revived

The Berejiklian Coalition Government will relax its COVID-19 public sector wage freeze from July 1, moving back to the former 2.5%-a-year cap, and introduce paid leave for workers who suffer a stillbirth or miscarriage.

Bench airs provisional views on casual terms

The FWC has expressed provisional views ahead of a hearing on Thursday that casual definitions and conversion clauses in some awards clash with the Fair Work Act and National Employment Standards, and that it would be inappropriate to itemise loadings.

Woolies rise maintains agreement obligations: Unions

Woolworths has confirmed it will pay the 2.5% minimum wage increase to employees from the first week of next month, avoiding a repeat of the dispute it had last year with retail unions over the timing of pay rises to workers in its supermarkets and Big W stores.

Cost-containment hampering wages growth: RBA

Reserve Bank Governor Philip Lowe has today added a new reason to his long list of why employers are not lifting wages - the "laser-like focus on costs" that has become the "predominant mindset" of many businesses.

2.5% rise as economy recovers from pandemic

The FWC has approved a 2.5% increase in all award rates in its minimum wage ruling handed down this afternoon and has again delayed rises for sectors most affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

FWC's award changes doing job of gutted IR Bill: James

The FWC's review of awards in sectors hammered by the pandemic is starting to introduce changes stymied by the withdrawal of much of the IR Omnibus Bill, according to former Fair Work Ombudsman Natalie James.

Urgent need for paid vax leave for care workers: ACTU

ACTU leader Sally McManus has written to Prime Minister Scott Morrison seeking four days paid leave and travel time to facilitate the rapid inoculation of the largely-unvaccinated private sector aged and disability care workforce.

Bench backs landmark flight crew coverage ruling

An FWC full bench has upheld an AFAP rule change decision that will enable it to compete with AIPA to represent all Qantas mainline pilots, finding the competition will keep the Flying Kangaroo's "in-house" union "on their toes and honest".

Westpac, CBA to cover time off for COVID-19 shots

Westpac has introduced special paid leave for employees to get COVID-19 vaccinations after the FSU wrote to financial institutions seeking two days' paid leave for all staff to get shots, while the Commonwealth Bank says it will also allow time off for the purpose.