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No pay for pre-shift RATs under aged care deal: FWC

In a decision shedding further light on whether workers should be paid if instructed to conduct COVID-19 rapid antigen tests at home or prior to a shift, the FWC has held an aged care agreement lacks any provision to pay staff for testing at a time of their choosing.

Video evidence not the post-pandemic norm: tribunal

In ordering a witness to attend a hearing in person, a NSW IRC member has highlighted "real pitfalls when evidence is not given in person" and emphasised that despite the widespread acceptance of virtual appearances at the height of COVID-19, there is no "presumption in favour of granting an order that evidence be given by [audio-visual link]".

Qantas High Court hearing on the runway

The Flying Kangaroo's crucial High Court challenge to the finding that it took unlawful adverse action against 2000 former ground crew when it rejected a TWU in-house tender and outsourced their jobs is set to be heard next month.

"Faith stream's" vax views insufficient to sway FWC

The FWC has rejected an unvaccinated child protection officer's faith-based challenge to her sacking, despite claims that requiring her to get a COVID-19 jab is akin to asking a Muslim worker "to have injections that s/he considered not Halal".

Drivers shunted into COVID-19 siding fail to win lost pay

In a decision exploring what constitutes a disciplinary investigation, a FWC full bench has quashed a finding that a public transport agency must pay a group of train drivers blocked from attending work after failing to comply with its COVID-19 vaccination policy.

Labor won't adopt "scorched earth" IR policies: Chalmers

The Albanese Government is not attracted to "scorched earth" IR policies to address Australia's productivity challenges, Treasurer Jim Chalmers said today, ahead of tomorrow's tabling of the final report of the Productivity Commission's productivity inquiry.

Early super access cut retirement balance by $120K: Study

The one in every six workers who took up the Morrison Government's invitation to withdraw their super during the pandemic mostly took the maximum $20,000 or their whole account balance, tended to spend the windfall on gambling and consumer items, and cut their retirement income by $120,000 in today's dollars, according to a new academic study.

Future of casuals sick leave scheme no clearer

Victoria's nation-first pilot scheme providing paid sick leave to casual and contract workers in selected industries has paid out more than one million hours of leave at a cost of more than $22 million in the past year, but unenthusiastic employers ensure its future remains cloudy despite evidence it reduced workplace illnesses.