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Workers fail to overturn Victorian vax mandate

The Victorian Supreme Court has thrown out an interlocutory bid to quash State Chief Medical Officer Brett Sutton's public health orders that mandate workplace vaccinations and to stop him issuing further orders.

CPI clauses back as inflation genie looms

The TWU's in-principle three-year agreement with Australia Post subsidiary StarTrack will deliver annual wage rises that match CPI increases in the second and third years of the deal if inflation exceeds 3%.

"Nation's only inquiry into vaccine mandates": MP

The Liberal chair of a Federal Parliamentary inquiry into the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the workplace and the FWC has billed it as the "nation's only Inquiry into vaccine mandates".

Wrongly stood-down worker didn't "share the burden": FWC

The FWC has decided not to compensate a Queensland hotel worker unlawfully stood down after she refused to temporarily reduce her hours, finding it would be unfair to her employer and colleagues who agreed to "share the burden of the pandemic".

Employers on solid ground requiring vaccinations: IR lawyer

Employers can lawfully direct almost all workers to get COVID-19 vaccinations to gain or retain their jobs, while most who cannot comply due to a disability fall short of carrying out the inherent requirements of employment, a leading IR barrister has told a labour law conference.

Unjabbed wharfies remain stood down without pay

The Federal Court has dismissed an attempt for a group of wharfies to maintain their wages until their challenge against a COVID-19 vaccination mandate is decided at trial.

Teenage worker sacked for getting jab: Law firm

Maurice Blackburn has lodged a discrimination complaint with the Human Rights Commission on behalf of a Gold Coast teenager who alleges she lost her job at a pizza shop for inoculating herself against COVID-19.

Court throws out Catholic ambo's vax challenge

The NSW Supreme Court has rejected another challenge to the State's powers to mandate COVID-19 vaccination for categories of workers, ruling against a senior ambulance officer and religion-based "conscientious objector" to inoculation.

FWC refuses temporary stay on BHP vax mandate

Workers at BHP's Mt Arthur coal mine who have defied a vaccination mandate face being refused access to the site, disciplinary action and the loss of pay after the CFMMEU failed to win interim orders to block it.

Patrick looks to guillotine wharf strikes

Patrick Terminals has on the basis of a claimed threat to the national economy applied to terminate industrial action by MUA members at its four container terminals, increasing pressure on the union to reach a new enterprise agreement.