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Labor, unions hit out at delay until 2025 of 12% super

Labor and unions have slammed yesterday's deal between the Coalition and the Palmer United Party that keeps employers' guaranteed superannuation payments at their current rate until 2021 and scraps the low income contribution in three years.

Direction to work extra hours ruled unlawful and unreasonable

A company's requirement for an employee to work additional unpaid hours and make himself available on-call was neither lawful nor reasonable, the Fair Work Commission has ruled in upholding his unfair dismissal claim.

Tribunal reverses $2.5m super payout

The NSW Industrial Court has overturned a ruling that 78 Port Kembla coal terminal workers were owed $2.5 million after signing contracts based on employer assurances they wouldn't be worse off under a replacement superannuation scheme.

Abbott Ministers in penalty shoot-out

Employment Minister Eric Abetz has moved quickly to douse suggestions from a junior minister that the federal government is looking to reform penalty rates, issuing a short statement this afternoon that any claims that it is planning to alter the way they are determined are "false".

Kogarah to Ingleburn a bridge too far for confectionery workers: FWC

Requiring employees to sit in a "slow moving car park queue" and travel up to two hours a day to and from a new work location does not count as reasonable alternative employment, the Fair Work Commission has ruled in a decision to award six workers redundancy pay.

BCA joins anti-penalty rates push, but backs "strong" safety net

In a new report, the Business Council of Australia has turned its sights on penalty rates, the permitted content of enterprise agreements and unwanted third party intervention in employment relationships, at the same time advocating that the safety net of pay and conditions be "strongly enforced".

Unions to use bargaining to reverse Budget pain

The ACTU has produced a “bargaining toolkit” to help unions to pursue claims to offset Federal Budget measures, including the $7 GP co-payment, a freeze on child care rebates and the re-indexation of fuel excise.