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"Mistaken or negligent" parental leave restriction costs employer $170,000

A company's parental leave policy – which breached the NES by making unpaid parental leave only available to "primary" caregivers - has cost it $170,000 in the unpaid wages and redundancy pay that an employee would have received if he had been allowed to access the leave and its flow-on benefits.

FWC to provide award right to cash-out annual leave

A FWC full bench has today acceded to employer requests to change annual leave provisions in modern awards to enable cashing-out of up to two weeks a year and give employers a qualified power to require employees to take "excessive" accruals.

"Unfathomable" that staffers would lie: Cbus head

The Cbus superannuation fund found it "incomprehensible" that two senior managers would lie about leaking members’ personal information to the CFMEU, the Heydon Royal Commission heard today.

Court orders visa-breaching employer to pay $100,000 in restitution

Five weeks after ordering Darwin-based Choong Enterprises to pay the largest-ever court-imposed fine for breaching 457 visa sponsorship obligations, the Federal Court has directed the company to backpay seven of the Filipino workers involved a total of more than $100,000.

Small bonus for FWO employees if they reduce absences

Fair Work Ombudsman Natalie James told a parliamentary committee today that her organisation is offering its workforce a pay rise of 1.25% over the next 12 months and 1% for each of the next two years, plus a 0.25% "unscheduled absence bonus" in the first year if sick leave can be reduced.

Big fine for employer with "cavalier attitude"

In one of the last wages and entitlements cases pursued by the FWBC, a building subcontractor that used a labour-hire company to distance itself from it employment obligations has been fined $145,000 and ordered to backpay $150,000 to more than a dozen workers.

Minimum wage a key economic driver: Shorten

Federal Labor in opposition made its first-ever submission to a national wage case because of the critical role of the minimum wage in driving consumption and ensuring the dignity of ordinary workers, the party’s leader, Bill Shorten, told the ACTU’s Congress today.

Unions seeking 2% extra super contribution for women

The ACTU’s Congress has today called for women to receive an extra 2% employer superannuation contribution to make up for their lower retirement balances in comparison to men.