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FWO pursuing non-compliance penalties, third parties for underpayments

The Federal Circuit Court has warned compliance order recipients that they should have "no misapprehension about their obligations to comply" after fining an employer that underpaid workers $9,000 on top of the original penalty. Meanwhile, the regulator is pursuing an accountancy firm that was allegedly involved in an employer's underpayments

"No plans" to halt super rise: PM

The Turnbull Government has played down a report that it plans to freeze employer superannuation contributions at the current 9.5%, scrapping the plan to increase the SGC to 12%.

Tribunal ruling a win for FIFO workers

An electrical contracting company on the Ichthys LNG project failed to comply with its agreement when it gave its FIFO employees notice of retrenchment immediately before a rest and recreation period, the FWC has ruled, in a decision with implications for employers of non-residential workforces.

New shipping flashpoint over CSL vessel

More disputes are brewing over plans to replace Australian seafarers on coastal trading ships with cheaper overseas vessels and crew.

Transfer to vulnerable position before redundancy not adverse action

Making a project manager redundant after granting his request to be transferred to a less secure position did not constitute adverse action as the new role was better for his mental health and the employer's decision was based on his competence, qualifications, tenure and a business downturn, a court has found.

AWU calls for ASIC probe to uncover QN entitlements liability

The AWU is calling for the corporate regulator to investigate whether Queensland Nickel breached corporations laws and whether owner Clive Palmer is acting as a "shadow director", as part of the union's push to secure members' outstanding entitlements.