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Key ACTU affiliate asks FWC to set medium-term minimum wage target

The union that represents cleaners, disability care workers and security guards is asking the FWC to "convene a special process" in the second half of the year to determine whether it can set a "medium-term target" for the minimum wage, to arrest what it says is a long-term downward trajectory.

ETU preparing for strikes at NSW energy supplier

ETU members employed at the NSW electricity distributor Essential Energy have overwhelmingly endorsed protected work bans and stoppages, which they can begin activating next week.

Wildcat strike at Fairfax after job cuts heralded

Journalists at Fairfax Media's flagship publications have walked off the job today after the management unveiled a plan to cut a further 120 full-time equivalent positions.

PC seeks criteria to assess competitiveness of superannuation system

The Productivity Commission is calling for submissions on the criteria it should use for assessing the efficiency and competitiveness of the superannuation system and its ability to deliver the best results for fund members and retirees.

Government seeking input on superannuation's purpose

The primary objective of superannuation is to provide retirement income to "substitute or supplement" the age pension, according to a Government proposal in a new discussion paper.

Not bankable: Appeal court slashes chief executive's $3m payout

An appeal court has reduced the $3m severance and bonus payout awarded to an investment bank chief executive dislodged after a global takeover, while it has granted the bank's head of global markets an exit payment of almost $400,000.

Holden worker forfeits $180,000 redundancy payout after compo fraud

A long-serving GM Holden employee sacked for working on his investment property while dishonestly claiming workers' compensation has lost his entitlement to retraining and a redundancy payment of up to $180,000 when the company closes its manufacturing operations next year.