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Compliance a joint employer-union effort: Booth

New Fair Work Ombudsman Anna Booth is hoping to harness the power of unions and employer groups to boost workplace compliance and has indicated that she intends to put her experience with the FWC's Collaborative Approaches program to good use.

KFC facing potential class action over rest breaks

Shine and RAFFWU are preparing a class action against KFC to win compensation for potentially tens of thousands of workers allegedly denied proper rest breaks, weeks after the Federal Court slammed the SDA over its approach to McDonald's rest breaks litigation and decided its case should run concurrently with an earlier Shine/RAFFWU proceeding.

Bill raises PPL to 26 weeks in 2026

The Albanese Government has today introduced its second tranche of legislation to increase federally-funded paid parental leave to 26 weeks.

SDA chided for "suboptimal" approach to McDonald's class action

A judge who rejected a SDA bid to prioritise its breaks case against McDonald's by staying an earlier RAFFWU-backed class action has contrasted the "lacklustre and misdirected approach" of the country's second-largest union with that of the unregistered, seven-year-old union and its lawyers.

Failure to provide private breastfeeding space discriminatory: Tribunal

In what is believed to be the first workplace breastfeeding discrimination ruling, a tribunal has found that a KFC franchisee indirectly discriminated against a worker when it told her to express milk in a tent, within a storeroom with no door.

Lesser LSL entitlement warrants extending zombie AWA

A FWC full bench has extended a CBA worker's AWA because reverting to the enterprise agreement would reduce her long service leave pay by more than $17,000, but it refused the bank's request to keep the details of the individual contract confidential.

Secure Jobs changes might remove need for unpaid carer boost: PC

The PC has confirmed its provisional view against augmenting unpaid carer's leave and says the Albanese Government's Secure Jobs changes will "make it easier for carers to negotiate flexible work, perhaps obviating the need for extended unpaid carer leave".

Albanese Government consulting on draft super objective bill

Federal Treasury is consulting on draft legislation that will enshrine an objective for super of preserving savings "to deliver income for a dignified retirement, alongside government support, in an equitable and sustainable way", partly to prevent a repeat of the Coalition's coronavirus early release policy.

FWC gig power confined to platform workers: Burke

The Albanese Government's legislation to empower the FWC to set minimum standards for "employee-like" gig economy workers will apply only to work performed through digital labour platforms, Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke will reveal in a speech to the National Press Club tomorrow.