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No FEG payout for spouse of Muslim husband with second wife

A court has refused a Fair Entitlements Guarantee payment to an estranged spouse who was working for her husband when his business collapsed but claimed her marriage effectively ended after he took a second wife two years ago.

Tribunal reverses decision to refuse FEG payment

A tribunal has overturned an Employment Department decision to refuse a patent lawyer's Fair Entitlements Guarantee claim after it found there was no "tacit" agreement that his employment was transferred from a company that became insolvent.

Court slams "shameless" sham scheme

A cleaning company that shamelessly exploited a vulnerable workforce made "inept attempts” to avoid the legal consequences when it claimed its employees were independent contractors, the Federal Court has found.

Redundancy payouts must count regular casual service: FWC majority

Employers calculating redundancy payments will have to count periods of regular and systematic casual employment before workers became permanent, after a Fair Work Commission majority ruling that a dissenting member warns could retrospectively bestow other entitlements such as annual leave.

PC super report looks beyond competition to results

The Productivity Commission is inviting submissions on whether its proposed objectives, criteria and indicators for assessing the competitiveness and efficiency of the nation's $2 trillion superannuation system are "fit for purpose".

Think tank dismisses the FWC and minimum wage

Over the next 15 years the nation should abolish the FWC and modern awards, set the minimum wage "as low as is politically feasible" and let the welfare system top up earnings, according to a new paper from an influential free market think tank.