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Unions seek plan to help displaced power workers

Unions have today called for a national plan to manage the shift to more ecologically-sustainable power generation, via measures that include an industry-wide multi-employer pooling and redeployment scheme.

New ABC enterprise deal riles Government

The Turnbull Government has accused ABC management of breaching the public sector bargaining policy, expressing "utmost concern" after a new enterprise agreement covering 5000 employees was voted up this week.

Inquiry chair refers employer's "threat" to Victoria Police

The chair of Victoria's labour hire inquiry has asked police to consider investigating one of the state's leading poultry producers for advising an employee that his job was in jeopardy if he continued to make "unsubstantiated" allegations about the company.

Full court provides guidance on assistance to unrepresented parties

In a decision that canvasses how much assistance the FWC should provide to unrepresented parties, a full Federal Court has found an employer was not denied procedural fairness when the FWC dismissed an appeal notice that was more "diatribe" than pleading and didn't tell the employer to fix it.

New deal boosts leave entitlements throughout Qantas

Qantas will provide 10 days domestic and family violence leave and two extra weeks of parental leave to all of its 30,000 employees later this year, after it struck an enterprise deal with the ASU that guarantees the entitlements for more than 4,000 employees.

Deals on the table at two casinos, approved at another

Crown Melbourne and United Voice are close to agreeing on a new deal for 4500 hospitality and gaming employees after the casino upped its offer to 3.75% a year for three years plus an annual 0.5% "recognition allowance", while the FWC today approved a Crown Perth agreement that provides a 7% raise.

Coalition to legislate stronger FWO powers next year

The Turnbull Government will introduce legislation early next year to give the Fair Work Ombudsman new examination powers and expressly prohibit employers from providing false and misleading information.