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Bank, chief HR manager & former CEO to pay pregnant worker's costs

A court has ordered ANZ, its former chief executive Philip Chronican and two other bank executives, including its chief HR officer, to pay the costs of part of a case brought by an employee who alleged they failed to make reasonable adjustments during her pregnancy.

Industry super must maintain connection with its roots: Weaven

One of the architects of the $2.1 trillion industry super fund movement, Garry Weaven, has warned that it must remain true to its roots and maintain its "members first" ethos even though it increasingly run by financial services professionals.

Unions seek plan to help displaced power workers

Unions have today called for a national plan to manage the shift to more ecologically-sustainable power generation, via measures that include an industry-wide multi-employer pooling and redeployment scheme.

New ABC enterprise deal riles Government

The Turnbull Government has accused ABC management of breaching the public sector bargaining policy, expressing "utmost concern" after a new enterprise agreement covering 5000 employees was voted up this week.

Inquiry chair refers employer's "threat" to Victoria Police

The chair of Victoria's labour hire inquiry has asked police to consider investigating one of the state's leading poultry producers for advising an employee that his job was in jeopardy if he continued to make "unsubstantiated" allegations about the company.

Full court provides guidance on assistance to unrepresented parties

In a decision that canvasses how much assistance the FWC should provide to unrepresented parties, a full Federal Court has found an employer was not denied procedural fairness when the FWC dismissed an appeal notice that was more "diatribe" than pleading and didn't tell the employer to fix it.