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"Casual" employee entitled to annual leave: Court

In a decision sure to be closely analysed by employers, a court has ruled that a worker is entitled to accrued annual leave despite being paid a casual loading for 15 years.

No leave accrual during lockout, says FWC

In a landmark ruling, the FWC has held that Carter Holt Harvey employees did not accrue annual or long service leave during a 74-day lockout last year.

Uber not an employer, says FWC

An Uber driver's failure to convince the FWC that he is an employee is unlikely to deter other challenges according to an academic, while the case raises questions as to whether traditional legal tests can be applied to the gig economy.

Liquidation costs block workers' access to FEG payments

Two employees have had to forego more than $9000 in redundancy entitlements after the FWC accepted a financially-distressed employer could not meet the cost of liquidating his business in order to qualify for the federal government's Fair Entitlements Guarantee scheme.

Labor wins penalty rates ploy in Senate, but loses key ally in House

Labor's audacious bid to restore penalty rates in the retail and hospitality sectors by piggy-backing one of the Federal Government's own IR bills fell at the first hurdle today, when rebel Nationals MP George Christensen indicated he could not support legislation that failed to protect businesses from back-pay claims.

NGOs threatened by Minister's stance on redundancies: Unions

The non-profit provider of a phone counselling service says it has been left financially "devastated" after paying the redundancy entitlements of 45 employees, following a stoush with Social Services Minister Christian Porter over who should bear costs where work is reliant on government contracts.