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Media union calls on ACCC to block Fairfax takeover

The MEAA has called for the ACCC to block the proposed merger of the Nine Network with Fairfax Media on public interest grounds, while demanding the retention of employees' terms and conditions as the new entity seeks $50 million in savings.

Introduce laws to restore penalty rates: Inquiry

A Victorian parliamentary inquiry has called for a legislated roll-back of cuts to penalty rates in the retail, hospitality and pharmacy industries, rather than a process of take-home pay orders issued by the Fair Work Commission.

Bid to cut severance pay not "industrial fair play"

The FWC has chastised an employer for failing to abide by "industrial fair play" when it neglected to tell a worker it would seek to slash his redundancy payment if he didn't accept an alternative role.

PC slammed for ignoring women's plight in super review

The Queensland Nurses and Midwives Union has slammed the Productivity Commission's omission of women in its draft report on the efficiency of the superannuation system, insisting it had "plenty of scope" to address a gender gap in which women retire with about half the savings of men.

BHP drawn into big Australian class action

Two landmark class actions allege that a BHP Billiton subsidiary induced two labour hire companies to unlawfully engage hundreds of coal mineworkers as casuals and pay them less than the industry award.

Former union secretary fined for overpaying himself

The Federal Court has fined a former Flight Attendants' Association international division secretary $2000 for failing to submit six years of the union's budgets and overpaying himself $16,000 in 2011, taking into account his cooperation and "genuine belief" he was entitled to the sum.

Marketers' alleged 'control' of workers detailed in class action claims

Two big international direct marketing companies exercised control over workers who were engaged as independent contractors to sell products or solicit donations to major corporations and charities, according to documents lodged with the Federal Court.

FWC to lose default fund role under PC proposal

The Productivity Commission has recommended severing default super fund allocation from the IR system, in its draft report on the superannuation system that confirms industry funds are "systematically" outperforming retail funds by a wide margin.