Entitlements and standards page 36 of 87

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Sacking costs listed company $1.1m despite unsigned contract

An ASX-listed investment house that summarily dismissed an executive director without explanation must pay $1.1 million in damages, after the absence of a signed contract left a court to assess her implied bonus and notice terms.

Worker weaponises employer's adverse action response

The FWC has rejected a company's objections and given the go-ahead for a worker who settled a general protections claim to use its response in that matter to run an underpayments case in the South Australian Employment Tribunal.

COVID-19 impels greater parental leave flexibility: Porter

The Morrison Government has this morning introduced legislation to permit all parents to take up to 30 days of flexible unpaid parental leave until their child turns two and ensure 12 months of unpaid parental leave is available for families dealing with stillbirths, infant deaths and premature births.

We're not responsible for HR consultant's errors: Company

A marine services company has failed to convince the FWC that it would be unfair to hold it accountable for the errors of an HR consultant by making it pay redundancy entitlements to a manager it offered to redeploy after a business transfer.

ACTU lament as employers, government toast High Court leave case win

ACTU secretary Sally McManus has called for legislative changes to lock in 10 days paid personal leave each year for all employees regardless of hours worked, following a High Court decision today she claims blows a "massive" hole in the nation's defences against COVID-19.

Newsflash: High Court overturns Mondelez leave decision

A High Court majority has rejected union arguments that employees working longer than standard hours are entitled to use those hours as the basis for calculating their entitlement to 10 days paid personal/carer's leave for each year of service.

"Hero" nurses on track for 3% pay hikes

The Victorian government has pledged to honour promised pay rises totalling 9% over four years to nurses and midwives working in the State's public health system, along with a "one-stop shop" for long service leave.