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Proposal for five days paid "reproductive health" leave

An HSU branch in Victoria is pursuing an Australian-first claim for five days' annual paid reproductive health and wellbeing leave - to cover IVF treatment, endometriosis, vasectomies and serious menstrual pain - that the ACTU says would foster "more equal and accommodating workplaces".

Umpire rejects bid for "COVID-care" allowance

A $5 an hour "COVID-19 care allowance" for disability workers attending to self-isolated and quarantining clients is unnecessary and likely to trigger a push to insert it into other health sector and aged care awards, according to an FWC full bench.

Award severance clause trumps incapacity provision: Bench

An FWC full bench has quashed a decision to reduce a $12,000 retrenchment payout to zero, ruling that the Fair Work Act's "incapacity to pay" provisions don't apply when the entitlement arises from a source such as an award.

Sacking costs listed company $1.1m despite unsigned contract

An ASX-listed investment house that summarily dismissed an executive director without explanation must pay $1.1 million in damages, after the absence of a signed contract left a court to assess her implied bonus and notice terms.

Worker weaponises employer's adverse action response

The FWC has rejected a company's objections and given the go-ahead for a worker who settled a general protections claim to use its response in that matter to run an underpayments case in the South Australian Employment Tribunal.

COVID-19 impels greater parental leave flexibility: Porter

The Morrison Government has this morning introduced legislation to permit all parents to take up to 30 days of flexible unpaid parental leave until their child turns two and ensure 12 months of unpaid parental leave is available for families dealing with stillbirths, infant deaths and premature births.

We're not responsible for HR consultant's errors: Company

A marine services company has failed to convince the FWC that it would be unfair to hold it accountable for the errors of an HR consultant by making it pay redundancy entitlements to a manager it offered to redeploy after a business transfer.